The Battle of the Mad Gods.Earlier this week one of the most dangerous enemies ever to attack Hellifyno invaded our world, cutting a path of destruction across the land, until they were stopped by the bravery, sacrifice, and power of the Blue Moon Tavern Heroes.It began with the leaders of several religious cults inciting their members to perform acts of terrorism in the name of their respective deities.This resulted in 24 hours of violence and mayhem as fanatics strapped bombs to their bodies and raced into public places, killing thousands.The next morning, the Gods themselves arose to join in the violence.Loki, Morpheus, Pele, Ereshkigal, Lamashtu, Tlaloc and Agau, immortals embodiments of the forces of reality themselves, began destroying planets, wiping out whole species, and devastating the universe.And then they landed on Hellifyno.Here they killed and destroyed at will, cutting a path of destruction across the planet until they arrived at the Blue Moon Tavern.There they were met with a mixed force of heroic individuals, and Hellifyno army units, who stood ready to defend their beloved Tavern.The ensuing battle was bloody and desperate.Thousands of soldiers were killed by the overwhelming power of the foes.It the height of hostilities it looked certain that the Heroes had lost and the planet was doomed.Then Kayion Ravagarde and Devek Slayter appeared.They had no armies, they had no weapons, they had no military might to throw against the Gods.All they had was the power of the void.That perilous magic that destroys the very existence of anything it touches.They quickly employed the void to devastate the armies of the Gods, and then to take on the invincible deities themselves.Agau was enveloped in darkness, Tlaloc was ripped from reality, and Ereshkigal was quickly dispatched.Then Kayion wrapped Morpheus in a bubble of void and took him captive.Seeing their companions falling to this new power, the rest of the mad Gods quickly escaped from the battlefield.While it was a glorious victory it came at a terrible costs.The Hellifyno army had been ravaged, with tens of thousands of irreplaceable soldiers killed in the action, leaving the planets military thin and weakened.The world itself was also devastated, with a huge chunks of land completely ravaged by the might of these fierce opponents.Dustbowl.Hellifyno has had it's fair share of ecological tragedies over the last few months of the Fae War.The last bout of disasters, namely the creatures of fire and a wide-scale heat waves, was the worst yet in the series.The topsoil and vegetation has slowly been crumpled and turned to ash, creating enormous dust storms for miles long.This brown dust is usually as fine as sand and seeps into cracks and underneath doorways, piling up in areas as "dirt drifts".Travelers have taken to wearing long cloaks, hoods and eyewear to keep the dust out of their eyes and mouths; others are cautioned to take these same measures, as the dirt in areas the glass monsters roam seem to have shards of glass in the flying debris.Ecological debates are underway as to the actual cause of these storms, with some arguing that the Midnight Court is controlling the influx of strong, hurricane force winds that drive the dirt into the air and some arguing that the planet has simply had too long of a dry-spell and is following into natural disarray.Temples for the patron goddess of Hellifyno, Lady Echo, have been increasing as the people of the planet beg their savior to return and put nature back to rights.We can only hope that Lady Echo will hear their pleas and once again take up the mantle and fight for the planet's recovery.Casting Off the Wyrm.The Chronicle Society interviewed Daloki regarding her experiences regarding Wyrm.She said she was stunned to learn that the Mark of Wyrm on her body had been inactive for a week, and that she still had all her powers because of her faith in Wyrm.She now admits she had come to love the power and the darkness that came with being one of Wyrm's Faithful.She says that what made her question that faith was hearing Jared Silverhide talking about the Never ending Halls that await him after his death.That, and being severely injured, forced her to think about her own death, and the fact that Wyrm would own her soul - meaning she would be sent back to the Hells after death, a thought she could not endure.A week later she was reconnected to the source of energy that has been a part of her since early childhood, energy she calls the Song of Being.After this reconnection she gradually came to the understanding that she belongs to the Song, and not to Wyrm.One by one her Wyrm powers left her, until now her soul and body are both free of his Taint, and the Mark is nothing more than a fine scar etched on her chest.Unfortunately, the mental effects of her torture in the Hells have become more pronounced again without Wyrm's influence, but still, Daloki says, she would rather be as she is now, than to be the property of Wyrm.The Plague of Nightmares.An epidemic of nightmares has plagued the planet Hellifyno for almost a week now.Nightmares are usually not something to be troubled about in the midst of an intergalactic war and ecological disaster, but these are very special nightmares.You see, people are waking up to injuries, real physical injuries that they sustained from events transpiring in their dreams.There have been thousands of reports of minor injuries, and even a few hundred deaths caused by this strange phenomenon.Nobody seems to know the cause of this epidemic but supernatural theorists are hypothesizing that it may be due to the capture of Morpheus, the Dream deity, by Kayion Ravgarde during the epic battle of the Mad Gods.Morpheus is being held by Kayion in a prison of void.Skeptics claim that within such a prison Morpheus should be unable to affect reality, however proponents of the theory state that it might be possible, given time, to exploit seems even in a prison consisting entirely of void.No cure or treatment has been found although some people have been taking medicines that allow them to sleep without entering the REM state which causes dreams.However going with REM sleep for a prolonged period of time can have severe negative psychological consequences.Laryka's Dreams.The interior of the tavern was showered in the blooms of cherry blossoms, to the point that the heroes within were nearly swimming in petals by time the prison-like bars crashed down.The heroes were separated into individual cages as the floor began to bubble and steam, heated like the grease on the bottom of a fry pan.Before all hope was lost, through a green haze the heroes of the tavern were transported to another place, perhaps even another time.They found themselves surrounded by humans milling around towards unknown destinations.Yet the crowds were so think, the situation seemed nearly claustrophobic.There were shadowed forms drifting in and out of the crowds striking low and dirty blows to the unsuspecting heroes, slashing with blades, pricking with needles, swiping whatever they could get their hands on.Not knowing where to turn or whom to attack, the frustration grew amongst the heroes.Without warning the sky began to rain, not water but gold coins.Further adding to the chaos of which the heroes were facing.Until then a welcoming sight appeared in their midst, a strong and powerful man resembling that of Donnagan.He bolstered their reserves to fight and keep marching.They followed him until they found themselves in what seemed like an endless white, sterile hallway.They ripped, tore and sliced into the walls of which had bled.Eventually they found a door.This door opened up into a medic's room, lined with beds occupied by the wounded and dying.At first only the healing attendants were attacked but once they were finished off the heroes were next on the list for a battle.After fending off these undead-like creatures, to another place they were lead.And standing within this white room again the heroes were assaulted but this time by an unseen entity.The invisible person cut, slashed and taunted the heroes until she was eventually faced with a bleeding wound of her own.Her footsteps lead to her demise, nearly every hero had a final shot at Laryka Dior in rogue form but it was Jared's blade that removed her head from her body.With the fall of her body, soon after was the fall of a tower emblazoned with Laryka's face.The Rebuilding of Jared Silverhide.After Kalina's excruciating torture of Jared Silverhide, he was returned to Hellifyno a broken and battered Lycan.Even after all the heroic deeds he participated in, it was still hard to look upon his horrid form.Our sources say that there were discussions whispered discussions between Jared Silverhide and Head Medicus Laryka Dior.Then one day the both of them simply took off together.Rumors returned saying that Jared had taken the Head Medicus into Halgan, the sanctuary of the Silverhides.It is presumed that Jared and Laryka mined and forged replacement body parts from the legendary ore of Wolfstone.It seemed quite obvious of the speculation especially after their lengthy disappearance and more so after the reappearance of Jared Silverhide afterwards.He was whole again.Witnesses say that afterwards he was knighted by the Seelie King Oberon.During this ceremony, the powers of the Seelie Court infused with the already bonded Wolfstone and the innate abilities present within Silverhide blood of Jared; making him an even greater force to reckon with.All this seems to come at a fortunate time as whispers traveled from ear to ear with reports that now Jared Silverhide is an expectant father with his mate Na'ahma Silverhide.Teerys Dream Tower.For many of the frequent patrons of the Blue Moon tavern, the powerful dragon known as Dragon Teers, or 'Teey' is still something of a mystery.A fun loving, playful creature more often than not found playing in bottles of tequila or bending reality to suit his playful needs.On the Twenty seventh of october a mission which was called by most interviewed after the event as "ridiculously insane" began.The patrons of the blue moon found that the tavern was starting to feel heavy, the air warm.Everything around the patrons was reported as filling with a dragonic green color, it fillled every inch of existence.Scales began to grow on walls as they bent and danced in and out of reality.In these early stages, it was also reported that overwhelming senses of emptiness and loneliness overcame the patrons of the tavern.Then, of all things, it started raining cookies inside the establishment.The cookie rain built at a steady pace, reaching unnatural levels until the resulting mounds of sweets took the form of a giant cookie monster.The giant cookie monster dragged the heroes of the tavern into its mouth where a portal was anchored to another realm.Many who were interviewed described this as a disturbing situation, an ironic turn of events.A handful of Hellifyno's finest heroes were then transported away from the tavern and found themselves in an entire new world, a world of total and utter madness.In this world, female breasts ran wild as well as bottoms with arms and legs, living breathing beer bottles and a barren landscape made entirely of cookies.The heroes chanced upon lady Echo in this world.Or, an image of the lady herself.Erica, a cyborg often frequenting the blue moon tavern was quoted as saying."I don't trust her.I don't think it's her.".But the heroes did not know where they were and had little other option.After following Echo they were lead to a cookie cavern where they were instantly and brutally set upon and attacked by breasts, bottoms and living beer bottles.Each warrior was supposedly more powerful than believed possible and exploded on death, coating the heroes and area in dangerous acid.After pushing their way through this challenge, the heroes found themselves falling only to land in a pile of Jello.From this point on they were confronted by Wyrm, of the Triat.Wyrm seemed unnaturally powerful.Chronicle reporters were shocked to discover that the unnatural terror radiating from Wyrm was like nothing most patrons had ever felt before.Wyrm attacked the heroes until again they were transported.After transporting away from the clutches of the Wyrm, the heroes were forced to do battle with their fun loving friend, "Teery" and his army of jello men, bra chariots and skittle bombs.The resulting battle was a gruelling one as the jello men seemed impervious to most, if not all attacks.Dragon Teers was a tough adversary and it took most of the taverns most skilled fighters and warriors working together in unison to finally defeat him.Upon the death of Dragon Teers, reality seemed to bend and twist, nothing was real.The insanity tower belonging to Dragon Teers crumbled and fell, leaving at that current time, five more in its wake.In an explosion of color, sound and other disturbing events that altered reality, the heroes of the mission found themselves unharmed and back at the tavern beside a comfortably sleeping Dragon Teers."Very disturbing, I don't want to know more about what goes on in Teery's mind." One of the mission participants was quoted as saying.Indeed the world as seen through the eyes of Dragon Teers was considered both amazing and disturbing, but another tower had been destroyed and things can only be considered s getting better.Perhaps things are starting to look up for Hellifyno after all.Daniel Plainview, Amaranta St.Clair, and the Nightmare.It began like any other night.People coming and going in the Blue Moon tavern, talking, drinking, flirting, and occasionally fighting.Then things began to get crowded.More and more people entered.Strangers.Large obese men, greasy, coarse, fondling themselves and making lewd gestures, but all silent, all standing in stoic quiet, milling about as the room got more and more full.Daniel Plainview, an important Hellifyno business owner then disappeared out the door on business as his fiance, Amaranta St.Clair, leapt on a table and began dancing to a mysterious music, her body writhing in a lascivious sexy fashion.As she did, the overweight gentlemen who were now everywhere became very excited, reaching out to grab at her, to touch her, to molest her with thick greasy hands.Amaranta is a popular patron of the Tavern and this treatment led to a fight, with the Heroes of the Blue Moon leaping to defend her body and honor.During the battle large thuggish individuals appeared amongst the fighting.They grabbed at the individual patrons, pulling them into their muscular grasp, and then teleporting them away.Throughout the insanity questions began popping up in people's minds, asking them to choose one of their companions.Whenever a choice was made, a little girl in a powder blue dress appeared with a knife, slicing the flesh of whoever was picked.If a choice was not made, the little girl appeared to the person themselves, and committed the act of violence.A moment later they found themselves in a black hallway decorated with pictures of the Plainview family.The thuggish gentlemen were there, and they forcefully escorted the group to the office of Daniel Plainview himself.There Mr.Plainview insisted that they had lost a very important shipment of his.He grew angry, agitated, violent even, wrapping them in cords of dark matter, and having his minions break their legs with iron pipes.Then he ordered his crew to start using flame throwers on them, and for the heartless thugs to use sledgehammers to smash the bones of anyone the fire would not harm.The torture continued for quite a while, with Daniel growing more and more angry while the Heroes were battered in more and more violent ways.Finally the floor dropped out from under them and everyone fell through an infinite night, while visions of sex flashed before them, hands reaching out to grab at them, caress them, touching them in erotic and sensual ways.And then they landed on a dark plain.They were tied with chains, spread eagle, standing, and facing one another.Two Towers of insanity loomed in the distance as Amaranta and Daniel approached.After taunting them for a while they began a process of making each of those present choose someone who would "live".Whoever was chosen, would be released, and then subjected to a horrific torture.Some were dropped in acid, others were hit repeatedly with lightning from the sky, some were smashed over and over again into the hard ground, while others had the flesh grated from their bones.However with each torture, the towers fell, while Mara and Dan began to look guiltier and guiltier, the smug sneers being replaced with looks of regret.Finally, with all of their friends writhing in agony, Amaranta St.Clair and Daniel Plainview killed themselves, the weight of the guilt proving too powerful, bringing them down and causing the Towers to collapse.And then darkness and death and light and color, and a painful and terrifying rebirth, through the death of the dream, brought screaming and crying back into the reality of a Tavern that looked like they had never even left.There were tears, there were memories, there were scars imprinted on their psyches which would never leave them, but the wounds were healed.They had been reborn.Oberon's Formal Dance.Many of the more lusty individuals of the popular Blue Moon Tavern have heard these strange dances before.Dances where the patron hears drums beating and sees fire in the distance.These events seem to always have a few commonalities. fornication, dancing, and death.Recently, it's been discovered that these dances are rituals for "former" menace of Hellifyno, Oberon, King of the Seelie Court.These well-known and popular events have urged Oberon to send out invitations for a more formal type of dance.News spread, gowns were ordered and tuxedos bought en masse as more and more people found themselves invited by the original attendants to the dance.The group waited in the tavern for the portal to show, yet were stunned when the dancers came hacking and slashing at them, catching many off guard before shoving them out the door and through the portal.The dance was to take place in the Galactic Bowling Alley on Reticulus 4, only the scene that the heroes were greeted with was anything but welcoming.The city was on fire with bodies mangled and set about like lawn ornaments.Confused and angry, the group hurried on to meet their host and begin one of the most silent dinners in the history of awkward delights.Hardly any touched their food before the drums began to play and the mood of the room changed fairly quickly.Couples quickly began to resort to either fornicating in public or having their very first kiss, all of them caught in the drum's beats.Oberon and Titania, his Queen, halted the music to a series of groans and upset dinner guests, changing the topic from sex and bloodshed to politics in a whiplash motion.He demanded that everyone there sign a paper that would surrender the Seelie Court to the respective government of each individual, vowing to help bring down the Midnight Court in any way possible.Though arguments quickly rose, most resigned to it and the paper was at last handed to Raelin Aero to be passed on to higher officials of the government.As a reward, the drums started once more and the orgy continued onwards into the night.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Towers, Nightmares, and a World Ravaged by War
The Battle of the Mad Gods.Earlier this week one of the most dangerous enemies ever to attack Hellifyno invaded our world, cutting a path of destruction across the land, until they were stopped by the bravery, sacrifice, and power of the Blue Moon Tavern Heroes.It began with the leaders of several religious cults inciting their members to perform acts of terrorism in the name of their respective deities.This resulted in 24 hours of violence and mayhem as fanatics strapped bombs to their bodies and raced into public places, killing thousands.The next morning, the Gods themselves arose to join in the violence.Loki, Morpheus, Pele, Ereshkigal, Lamashtu, Tlaloc and Agau, immortals embodiments of the forces of reality themselves, began destroying planets, wiping out whole species, and devastating the universe.And then they landed on Hellifyno.Here they killed and destroyed at will, cutting a path of destruction across the planet until they arrived at the Blue Moon Tavern.There they were met with a mixed force of heroic individuals, and Hellifyno army units, who stood ready to defend their beloved Tavern.The ensuing battle was bloody and desperate.Thousands of soldiers were killed by the overwhelming power of the foes.It the height of hostilities it looked certain that the Heroes had lost and the planet was doomed.Then Kayion Ravagarde and Devek Slayter appeared.They had no armies, they had no weapons, they had no military might to throw against the Gods.All they had was the power of the void.That perilous magic that destroys the very existence of anything it touches.They quickly employed the void to devastate the armies of the Gods, and then to take on the invincible deities themselves.Agau was enveloped in darkness, Tlaloc was ripped from reality, and Ereshkigal was quickly dispatched.Then Kayion wrapped Morpheus in a bubble of void and took him captive.Seeing their companions falling to this new power, the rest of the mad Gods quickly escaped from the battlefield.While it was a glorious victory it came at a terrible costs.The Hellifyno army had been ravaged, with tens of thousands of irreplaceable soldiers killed in the action, leaving the planets military thin and weakened.The world itself was also devastated, with a huge chunks of land completely ravaged by the might of these fierce opponents.Dustbowl.Hellifyno has had it's fair share of ecological tragedies over the last few months of the Fae War.The last bout of disasters, namely the creatures of fire and a wide-scale heat waves, was the worst yet in the series.The topsoil and vegetation has slowly been crumpled and turned to ash, creating enormous dust storms for miles long.This brown dust is usually as fine as sand and seeps into cracks and underneath doorways, piling up in areas as "dirt drifts".Travelers have taken to wearing long cloaks, hoods and eyewear to keep the dust out of their eyes and mouths; others are cautioned to take these same measures, as the dirt in areas the glass monsters roam seem to have shards of glass in the flying debris.Ecological debates are underway as to the actual cause of these storms, with some arguing that the Midnight Court is controlling the influx of strong, hurricane force winds that drive the dirt into the air and some arguing that the planet has simply had too long of a dry-spell and is following into natural disarray.Temples for the patron goddess of Hellifyno, Lady Echo, have been increasing as the people of the planet beg their savior to return and put nature back to rights.We can only hope that Lady Echo will hear their pleas and once again take up the mantle and fight for the planet's recovery.Casting Off the Wyrm.The Chronicle Society interviewed Daloki regarding her experiences regarding Wyrm.She said she was stunned to learn that the Mark of Wyrm on her body had been inactive for a week, and that she still had all her powers because of her faith in Wyrm.She now admits she had come to love the power and the darkness that came with being one of Wyrm's Faithful.She says that what made her question that faith was hearing Jared Silverhide talking about the Never ending Halls that await him after his death.That, and being severely injured, forced her to think about her own death, and the fact that Wyrm would own her soul - meaning she would be sent back to the Hells after death, a thought she could not endure.A week later she was reconnected to the source of energy that has been a part of her since early childhood, energy she calls the Song of Being.After this reconnection she gradually came to the understanding that she belongs to the Song, and not to Wyrm.One by one her Wyrm powers left her, until now her soul and body are both free of his Taint, and the Mark is nothing more than a fine scar etched on her chest.Unfortunately, the mental effects of her torture in the Hells have become more pronounced again without Wyrm's influence, but still, Daloki says, she would rather be as she is now, than to be the property of Wyrm.The Plague of Nightmares.An epidemic of nightmares has plagued the planet Hellifyno for almost a week now.Nightmares are usually not something to be troubled about in the midst of an intergalactic war and ecological disaster, but these are very special nightmares.You see, people are waking up to injuries, real physical injuries that they sustained from events transpiring in their dreams.There have been thousands of reports of minor injuries, and even a few hundred deaths caused by this strange phenomenon.Nobody seems to know the cause of this epidemic but supernatural theorists are hypothesizing that it may be due to the capture of Morpheus, the Dream deity, by Kayion Ravgarde during the epic battle of the Mad Gods.Morpheus is being held by Kayion in a prison of void.Skeptics claim that within such a prison Morpheus should be unable to affect reality, however proponents of the theory state that it might be possible, given time, to exploit seems even in a prison consisting entirely of void.No cure or treatment has been found although some people have been taking medicines that allow them to sleep without entering the REM state which causes dreams.However going with REM sleep for a prolonged period of time can have severe negative psychological consequences.Laryka's Dreams.The interior of the tavern was showered in the blooms of cherry blossoms, to the point that the heroes within were nearly swimming in petals by time the prison-like bars crashed down.The heroes were separated into individual cages as the floor began to bubble and steam, heated like the grease on the bottom of a fry pan.Before all hope was lost, through a green haze the heroes of the tavern were transported to another place, perhaps even another time.They found themselves surrounded by humans milling around towards unknown destinations.Yet the crowds were so think, the situation seemed nearly claustrophobic.There were shadowed forms drifting in and out of the crowds striking low and dirty blows to the unsuspecting heroes, slashing with blades, pricking with needles, swiping whatever they could get their hands on.Not knowing where to turn or whom to attack, the frustration grew amongst the heroes.Without warning the sky began to rain, not water but gold coins.Further adding to the chaos of which the heroes were facing.Until then a welcoming sight appeared in their midst, a strong and powerful man resembling that of Donnagan.He bolstered their reserves to fight and keep marching.They followed him until they found themselves in what seemed like an endless white, sterile hallway.They ripped, tore and sliced into the walls of which had bled.Eventually they found a door.This door opened up into a medic's room, lined with beds occupied by the wounded and dying.At first only the healing attendants were attacked but once they were finished off the heroes were next on the list for a battle.After fending off these undead-like creatures, to another place they were lead.And standing within this white room again the heroes were assaulted but this time by an unseen entity.The invisible person cut, slashed and taunted the heroes until she was eventually faced with a bleeding wound of her own.Her footsteps lead to her demise, nearly every hero had a final shot at Laryka Dior in rogue form but it was Jared's blade that removed her head from her body.With the fall of her body, soon after was the fall of a tower emblazoned with Laryka's face.The Rebuilding of Jared Silverhide.After Kalina's excruciating torture of Jared Silverhide, he was returned to Hellifyno a broken and battered Lycan.Even after all the heroic deeds he participated in, it was still hard to look upon his horrid form.Our sources say that there were discussions whispered discussions between Jared Silverhide and Head Medicus Laryka Dior.Then one day the both of them simply took off together.Rumors returned saying that Jared had taken the Head Medicus into Halgan, the sanctuary of the Silverhides.It is presumed that Jared and Laryka mined and forged replacement body parts from the legendary ore of Wolfstone.It seemed quite obvious of the speculation especially after their lengthy disappearance and more so after the reappearance of Jared Silverhide afterwards.He was whole again.Witnesses say that afterwards he was knighted by the Seelie King Oberon.During this ceremony, the powers of the Seelie Court infused with the already bonded Wolfstone and the innate abilities present within Silverhide blood of Jared; making him an even greater force to reckon with.All this seems to come at a fortunate time as whispers traveled from ear to ear with reports that now Jared Silverhide is an expectant father with his mate Na'ahma Silverhide.Teerys Dream Tower.For many of the frequent patrons of the Blue Moon tavern, the powerful dragon known as Dragon Teers, or 'Teey' is still something of a mystery.A fun loving, playful creature more often than not found playing in bottles of tequila or bending reality to suit his playful needs.On the Twenty seventh of october a mission which was called by most interviewed after the event as "ridiculously insane" began.The patrons of the blue moon found that the tavern was starting to feel heavy, the air warm.Everything around the patrons was reported as filling with a dragonic green color, it fillled every inch of existence.Scales began to grow on walls as they bent and danced in and out of reality.In these early stages, it was also reported that overwhelming senses of emptiness and loneliness overcame the patrons of the tavern.Then, of all things, it started raining cookies inside the establishment.The cookie rain built at a steady pace, reaching unnatural levels until the resulting mounds of sweets took the form of a giant cookie monster.The giant cookie monster dragged the heroes of the tavern into its mouth where a portal was anchored to another realm.Many who were interviewed described this as a disturbing situation, an ironic turn of events.A handful of Hellifyno's finest heroes were then transported away from the tavern and found themselves in an entire new world, a world of total and utter madness.In this world, female breasts ran wild as well as bottoms with arms and legs, living breathing beer bottles and a barren landscape made entirely of cookies.The heroes chanced upon lady Echo in this world.Or, an image of the lady herself.Erica, a cyborg often frequenting the blue moon tavern was quoted as saying."I don't trust her.I don't think it's her.".But the heroes did not know where they were and had little other option.After following Echo they were lead to a cookie cavern where they were instantly and brutally set upon and attacked by breasts, bottoms and living beer bottles.Each warrior was supposedly more powerful than believed possible and exploded on death, coating the heroes and area in dangerous acid.After pushing their way through this challenge, the heroes found themselves falling only to land in a pile of Jello.From this point on they were confronted by Wyrm, of the Triat.Wyrm seemed unnaturally powerful.Chronicle reporters were shocked to discover that the unnatural terror radiating from Wyrm was like nothing most patrons had ever felt before.Wyrm attacked the heroes until again they were transported.After transporting away from the clutches of the Wyrm, the heroes were forced to do battle with their fun loving friend, "Teery" and his army of jello men, bra chariots and skittle bombs.The resulting battle was a gruelling one as the jello men seemed impervious to most, if not all attacks.Dragon Teers was a tough adversary and it took most of the taverns most skilled fighters and warriors working together in unison to finally defeat him.Upon the death of Dragon Teers, reality seemed to bend and twist, nothing was real.The insanity tower belonging to Dragon Teers crumbled and fell, leaving at that current time, five more in its wake.In an explosion of color, sound and other disturbing events that altered reality, the heroes of the mission found themselves unharmed and back at the tavern beside a comfortably sleeping Dragon Teers."Very disturbing, I don't want to know more about what goes on in Teery's mind." One of the mission participants was quoted as saying.Indeed the world as seen through the eyes of Dragon Teers was considered both amazing and disturbing, but another tower had been destroyed and things can only be considered s getting better.Perhaps things are starting to look up for Hellifyno after all.Daniel Plainview, Amaranta St.Clair, and the Nightmare.It began like any other night.People coming and going in the Blue Moon tavern, talking, drinking, flirting, and occasionally fighting.Then things began to get crowded.More and more people entered.Strangers.Large obese men, greasy, coarse, fondling themselves and making lewd gestures, but all silent, all standing in stoic quiet, milling about as the room got more and more full.Daniel Plainview, an important Hellifyno business owner then disappeared out the door on business as his fiance, Amaranta St.Clair, leapt on a table and began dancing to a mysterious music, her body writhing in a lascivious sexy fashion.As she did, the overweight gentlemen who were now everywhere became very excited, reaching out to grab at her, to touch her, to molest her with thick greasy hands.Amaranta is a popular patron of the Tavern and this treatment led to a fight, with the Heroes of the Blue Moon leaping to defend her body and honor.During the battle large thuggish individuals appeared amongst the fighting.They grabbed at the individual patrons, pulling them into their muscular grasp, and then teleporting them away.Throughout the insanity questions began popping up in people's minds, asking them to choose one of their companions.Whenever a choice was made, a little girl in a powder blue dress appeared with a knife, slicing the flesh of whoever was picked.If a choice was not made, the little girl appeared to the person themselves, and committed the act of violence.A moment later they found themselves in a black hallway decorated with pictures of the Plainview family.The thuggish gentlemen were there, and they forcefully escorted the group to the office of Daniel Plainview himself.There Mr.Plainview insisted that they had lost a very important shipment of his.He grew angry, agitated, violent even, wrapping them in cords of dark matter, and having his minions break their legs with iron pipes.Then he ordered his crew to start using flame throwers on them, and for the heartless thugs to use sledgehammers to smash the bones of anyone the fire would not harm.The torture continued for quite a while, with Daniel growing more and more angry while the Heroes were battered in more and more violent ways.Finally the floor dropped out from under them and everyone fell through an infinite night, while visions of sex flashed before them, hands reaching out to grab at them, caress them, touching them in erotic and sensual ways.And then they landed on a dark plain.They were tied with chains, spread eagle, standing, and facing one another.Two Towers of insanity loomed in the distance as Amaranta and Daniel approached.After taunting them for a while they began a process of making each of those present choose someone who would "live".Whoever was chosen, would be released, and then subjected to a horrific torture.Some were dropped in acid, others were hit repeatedly with lightning from the sky, some were smashed over and over again into the hard ground, while others had the flesh grated from their bones.However with each torture, the towers fell, while Mara and Dan began to look guiltier and guiltier, the smug sneers being replaced with looks of regret.Finally, with all of their friends writhing in agony, Amaranta St.Clair and Daniel Plainview killed themselves, the weight of the guilt proving too powerful, bringing them down and causing the Towers to collapse.And then darkness and death and light and color, and a painful and terrifying rebirth, through the death of the dream, brought screaming and crying back into the reality of a Tavern that looked like they had never even left.There were tears, there were memories, there were scars imprinted on their psyches which would never leave them, but the wounds were healed.They had been reborn.Oberon's Formal Dance.Many of the more lusty individuals of the popular Blue Moon Tavern have heard these strange dances before.Dances where the patron hears drums beating and sees fire in the distance.These events seem to always have a few commonalities. fornication, dancing, and death.Recently, it's been discovered that these dances are rituals for "former" menace of Hellifyno, Oberon, King of the Seelie Court.These well-known and popular events have urged Oberon to send out invitations for a more formal type of dance.News spread, gowns were ordered and tuxedos bought en masse as more and more people found themselves invited by the original attendants to the dance.The group waited in the tavern for the portal to show, yet were stunned when the dancers came hacking and slashing at them, catching many off guard before shoving them out the door and through the portal.The dance was to take place in the Galactic Bowling Alley on Reticulus 4, only the scene that the heroes were greeted with was anything but welcoming.The city was on fire with bodies mangled and set about like lawn ornaments.Confused and angry, the group hurried on to meet their host and begin one of the most silent dinners in the history of awkward delights.Hardly any touched their food before the drums began to play and the mood of the room changed fairly quickly.Couples quickly began to resort to either fornicating in public or having their very first kiss, all of them caught in the drum's beats.Oberon and Titania, his Queen, halted the music to a series of groans and upset dinner guests, changing the topic from sex and bloodshed to politics in a whiplash motion.He demanded that everyone there sign a paper that would surrender the Seelie Court to the respective government of each individual, vowing to help bring down the Midnight Court in any way possible.Though arguments quickly rose, most resigned to it and the paper was at last handed to Raelin Aero to be passed on to higher officials of the government.As a reward, the drums started once more and the orgy continued onwards into the night.
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