I can't really help you with the sex thing, but it is an entirely different story when it comes to books.And why should we limit our fun to just individual books, let's check out the 8 best fiction book series, shall we?1.The Foundation Series by I.Asimov.Have you ever heard that society is predictable? If so, chances are Mr.Asimov heard it too and chose to base one of the best fiction book series in the world around it.Hari Seldon is a man, or a mathematician to be more precise.He comes up with a math that can predict the future for a large number of people - the bigger it is, the more accurate his predictions are.He foresees the fall of the current Galactic Empire and he also predicts a 30.000 years long period of Dark Ages - or, a 1.000 period, if he creates two small group of determined people.The Foundation Series has 7 books, or 15, if you choose to count the Robot series and the Empire series - which are set on the same stage, but a bit earlier.Needless to say, these books are definitely worth your time for a perfect sci-fi experience.2.Riftwar Cycle by R.E.Feist.Are you into dragons, gods and stuff? Well, even if you aren't, the Riftwar Saga takes your mind into Midkemia (and other worlds later on), the land of magicians, dark elves, kings or dwarves.The series begins around two young boys, Pug and Tomas - the first becomes a Magician apprentice and the latter enters military service under the local Duke.As the time goes, Pug shall become one of the most powerful users of magic in his world and Tomas chooses a bit different path - he marries the elven Queen and becomes a heir of an ancient ruling race, the Valheru.You may want to know that the Riftwar Cycle is monstrous in size, it has well over 30 books.It's a pretty big commitment, but rest assured that at least the first 25 are more than worth it.I'm personally a big fan and I have read each and every book multiple times, so let me give you a piece of advice as an insider..Go for it.3.The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by D.Adams.Remember how I said there are basically two things you can do during long winter nights? Well, if you've just lost someone you had sex with, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a perfect series to cheer you up.It is funny, ironic, absurd and overall excellent.The story begins by Earth being demolished to make room for a new intergalactic freeway - but we find out later on that a new drive is discovered mere minutes after the demolition, rendering intergalactic freeways totally useless.Arthur Dent survives the destruction by hooking up with Ford Prefect, an alien working on expanding the Encyclopedia Britannica of the Galaxy - The Hitchhiker's Guide.Arthur finds out that having a towel and holding on the basic tip "Don't Panic!" can get him quite far.You need not to break up with your boy/girlfriend to find "The Guide" amusing and well worth your time, that's for sure.4.Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling."Hello, I'm a British woman and I've an idea - I will write a story about a small boy with a scar on his forehead who happens to be a magician and his destiny is to defeat one of the biggest threads in the wizard history.".That sums up a bit something I'm sure all of you already know.The Harry Potter series has 7 books and documents the struggles and achievements of Harry, Ron and Hermione, three students in the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.These books may not be the best piece of literature around, but they are excellent for one thing - to take our minds into a strange combination of modern and magical world, where you can point a your wand and achieve pretty much anything you want.Forget the crap that HP is for kids only - even adults need to dream.5.The Inheritance Cycle by C.Paolini.Time to become a Dragon Rider! Sounds ridiculous? Eragon, a poor farmer boy, thought so too - until he got his hands on a dragon egg and later on, his own dragon named Saphira.The world of Alagasia is a masterpiece of C.Paolini, who shewes that you don't need to be a grown up to produce something good.It beats the Riftwar Cycle in one aspect - Alagasia combines magic and scientifically weird matters of dwarves with cold reason and believes typical for Atheists of elves.The Inheritance Cycle might be viewed as just another one in countless lines of Dragon tales, but the fact above alone suggests that it has been written by a clever person - and I personally enjoy reading stuff from people like that, because each and everyone of us should learn everything he or she can.World needs to learn and The Inheritance Cycle combines fantasy and very real stuff, thus makes itself eligible for the highest of honors.6.Red Dwarf by R.Grant and D.Naylor.Although Red Dwarf is by majority a comedy series, there are also 4 books based around Lister, Rimmer, Cat and Kryten.The word "comedy" is more appropriate than anything I've ever seen, because these four dudes will make you laugh again and again.Lister, a lounger and drunk from Earth, is punished by being put into stasis for smuggling a cat on board of a mining ship, the Red Dwarf.An accident kills everyone on board except. Lister - in stasis.His cat - safely hidden in a warehouse and evolving into a humanoid, Cat, over the three million years.Rimmer - well, he dies, but is brought back as an insufferable hologram.The band finds a half-mad robot Kryten later on and rides through the universe in hopes of returning back to Earth, regardless of what happened there during all that time.Again, if you want to laugh, Red Dwarf is a marvelous choice.7.Artemis Fowl by E.Colfer.Geniuses can use their intellect either for good or for bad things - and Artemis Fowl II.Chooses the latter.That is not so much surprising when we learn that he comes from quite a successful family in the crime scene.A 12 years old boy discovers the existence of fairies and decides to kidnap one for ransom.There will be a happy end though, because Artemis will slowly understand that you need not to be a criminal and he repents his actions.We can once again see a confrontation of magical creatures and modern technology.It shews that no matter how advanced our society will be, we shall always have a weakness for such unreal stories.8.The Saga of Darren Shan.It would be folly not to include one series for the vampire fans, so here we are - a regular boy gets involved with vampires in return for the life of his friend.Darren starts to find out the perks and drawbacks of being a half-vampire and it's safe to say he doesn't like it much at first.It is yet another one enormous cycle, this time composed of 4 trilogies. Vampire Blood.Vampire Rites.Vampire War.Vampire Destiny.As might have deducted from the names, the main character is evolving over time, accepting his life as a vampire, makes crucial decisions and bears their consequences.Conclusion.No doubt you're missing some quite important series, such as..* LOTR.* The Chronicles of Narnia.* Dune.* Mistborn.The fact is that they are very famous and although the ones I included are no different, I see no point in talking about all the same classics over and over again.Thank you for reading!
Monday, September 3, 2012
8 Best Fiction Books Series For Long Winter Nights
I can't really help you with the sex thing, but it is an entirely different story when it comes to books.And why should we limit our fun to just individual books, let's check out the 8 best fiction book series, shall we?1.The Foundation Series by I.Asimov.Have you ever heard that society is predictable? If so, chances are Mr.Asimov heard it too and chose to base one of the best fiction book series in the world around it.Hari Seldon is a man, or a mathematician to be more precise.He comes up with a math that can predict the future for a large number of people - the bigger it is, the more accurate his predictions are.He foresees the fall of the current Galactic Empire and he also predicts a 30.000 years long period of Dark Ages - or, a 1.000 period, if he creates two small group of determined people.The Foundation Series has 7 books, or 15, if you choose to count the Robot series and the Empire series - which are set on the same stage, but a bit earlier.Needless to say, these books are definitely worth your time for a perfect sci-fi experience.2.Riftwar Cycle by R.E.Feist.Are you into dragons, gods and stuff? Well, even if you aren't, the Riftwar Saga takes your mind into Midkemia (and other worlds later on), the land of magicians, dark elves, kings or dwarves.The series begins around two young boys, Pug and Tomas - the first becomes a Magician apprentice and the latter enters military service under the local Duke.As the time goes, Pug shall become one of the most powerful users of magic in his world and Tomas chooses a bit different path - he marries the elven Queen and becomes a heir of an ancient ruling race, the Valheru.You may want to know that the Riftwar Cycle is monstrous in size, it has well over 30 books.It's a pretty big commitment, but rest assured that at least the first 25 are more than worth it.I'm personally a big fan and I have read each and every book multiple times, so let me give you a piece of advice as an insider..Go for it.3.The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by D.Adams.Remember how I said there are basically two things you can do during long winter nights? Well, if you've just lost someone you had sex with, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a perfect series to cheer you up.It is funny, ironic, absurd and overall excellent.The story begins by Earth being demolished to make room for a new intergalactic freeway - but we find out later on that a new drive is discovered mere minutes after the demolition, rendering intergalactic freeways totally useless.Arthur Dent survives the destruction by hooking up with Ford Prefect, an alien working on expanding the Encyclopedia Britannica of the Galaxy - The Hitchhiker's Guide.Arthur finds out that having a towel and holding on the basic tip "Don't Panic!" can get him quite far.You need not to break up with your boy/girlfriend to find "The Guide" amusing and well worth your time, that's for sure.4.Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling."Hello, I'm a British woman and I've an idea - I will write a story about a small boy with a scar on his forehead who happens to be a magician and his destiny is to defeat one of the biggest threads in the wizard history.".That sums up a bit something I'm sure all of you already know.The Harry Potter series has 7 books and documents the struggles and achievements of Harry, Ron and Hermione, three students in the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.These books may not be the best piece of literature around, but they are excellent for one thing - to take our minds into a strange combination of modern and magical world, where you can point a your wand and achieve pretty much anything you want.Forget the crap that HP is for kids only - even adults need to dream.5.The Inheritance Cycle by C.Paolini.Time to become a Dragon Rider! Sounds ridiculous? Eragon, a poor farmer boy, thought so too - until he got his hands on a dragon egg and later on, his own dragon named Saphira.The world of Alagasia is a masterpiece of C.Paolini, who shewes that you don't need to be a grown up to produce something good.It beats the Riftwar Cycle in one aspect - Alagasia combines magic and scientifically weird matters of dwarves with cold reason and believes typical for Atheists of elves.The Inheritance Cycle might be viewed as just another one in countless lines of Dragon tales, but the fact above alone suggests that it has been written by a clever person - and I personally enjoy reading stuff from people like that, because each and everyone of us should learn everything he or she can.World needs to learn and The Inheritance Cycle combines fantasy and very real stuff, thus makes itself eligible for the highest of honors.6.Red Dwarf by R.Grant and D.Naylor.Although Red Dwarf is by majority a comedy series, there are also 4 books based around Lister, Rimmer, Cat and Kryten.The word "comedy" is more appropriate than anything I've ever seen, because these four dudes will make you laugh again and again.Lister, a lounger and drunk from Earth, is punished by being put into stasis for smuggling a cat on board of a mining ship, the Red Dwarf.An accident kills everyone on board except. Lister - in stasis.His cat - safely hidden in a warehouse and evolving into a humanoid, Cat, over the three million years.Rimmer - well, he dies, but is brought back as an insufferable hologram.The band finds a half-mad robot Kryten later on and rides through the universe in hopes of returning back to Earth, regardless of what happened there during all that time.Again, if you want to laugh, Red Dwarf is a marvelous choice.7.Artemis Fowl by E.Colfer.Geniuses can use their intellect either for good or for bad things - and Artemis Fowl II.Chooses the latter.That is not so much surprising when we learn that he comes from quite a successful family in the crime scene.A 12 years old boy discovers the existence of fairies and decides to kidnap one for ransom.There will be a happy end though, because Artemis will slowly understand that you need not to be a criminal and he repents his actions.We can once again see a confrontation of magical creatures and modern technology.It shews that no matter how advanced our society will be, we shall always have a weakness for such unreal stories.8.The Saga of Darren Shan.It would be folly not to include one series for the vampire fans, so here we are - a regular boy gets involved with vampires in return for the life of his friend.Darren starts to find out the perks and drawbacks of being a half-vampire and it's safe to say he doesn't like it much at first.It is yet another one enormous cycle, this time composed of 4 trilogies. Vampire Blood.Vampire Rites.Vampire War.Vampire Destiny.As might have deducted from the names, the main character is evolving over time, accepting his life as a vampire, makes crucial decisions and bears their consequences.Conclusion.No doubt you're missing some quite important series, such as..* LOTR.* The Chronicles of Narnia.* Dune.* Mistborn.The fact is that they are very famous and although the ones I included are no different, I see no point in talking about all the same classics over and over again.Thank you for reading!
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