Martin Graham scrutinized the case history files for Albert Morton, forwarded by the Federal Corrections Department.Finding no evidence that would allow a Judge to sign an order detaining him in the country.The file also provided the trial details of Morton's conviction; still, giving him no leads as to why Kayn was displaying such irrational behavior on this man.He sent Kayn another confirmation that there were no circumstances that would allow his office to apply for a restraining order.His desktop curser was flashing with a high priority communication from NATO going to all Federal Security Agencies reporting that Chanarong Montri and Kim Chan So were believed to be in Naples, Italy.It further reported that security informants confirmed that AOC agents were enroute to Naples.As Martin scanned the communication logs and it became obvious, over and above the security agents already in Naples for the Economic Conference, there was about to be an aerial tsunami of international enormity descending onto the tarmac at the Aeroporto di Napoli.He picked up his travelling bag and left for the departure gate at the International Airport, enroute to Naples.Travelling 37,000 feet over the north Atlantic ocean Albert was busy reviewing the Italian chronicles as Robert rested in the adjacent seat.He had spoken with Harry earlier in the day and learnt about the confrontation that had taken place with Kayn; he had not yet relayed this information to Robert.Alyssa would be so full of pride knowing the genuine man Robert was developing into.Albert closed his diary after documenting and planning his tours of southern Italy on this trip; perhaps in his exuberance he had indeed overextended his destinations.He slipped it into his attach and removed a small bundle of letters that he kept close to him; letters from past colleagues at the University, all encouraging his return to the classroom; letters from Gordon at Fraser Lake, as always supporting him in his new ventures and old letters from Alyssa, received while at Fraser Lake.He read line by line and finally, comforted by kind thoughts and words, sleep came to him.He woke feeling the heat of the sun streaming through the windows of the cabin.David had risen earlier and was working from the turn down table at his chair."Good Morning David, did you sleep well?"."Had a good sleep Albert.We are about an hour from landing so I asked the stewards to serve you breakfast as soon as you woke."Will Harry be meeting us at the airport?"."Yes, I had a message from him this morning.".David turned on the in-cabin closed circuit TV to see if they could see any news, when a message from the Captain interrupted the program -."We have just received notice that the Naples Airport has been closed due to security breaches; we have been redirected to Bari airport, which is on the east coast of Italy along the Mediterranean Sea.".David immediately sent a message to Harry confirming the change of plans.The Captain returned and announced that the flight should be landing in Bari in approximately 90 minutes.David followed up with Harry, who had returned his message and confirmed that he would take the plane to Bari to meet their flight.He could not confirm his departure time because of the delays being encountered on the tarmac at Naples, but would advise within the next hour.Chanarong had been waiting for Harry on the plane and had receive the same message from Veronica, that their flight originating from Bangkok had indeed been turned away from landing in Naples and was enroute to Bari.Looking over at the main terminal multiple emergency service vehicles, as well as international flights were stacked along the runway with passengers mingling on the tarmac."We have received clearance for take off at 11.50 pm as well as our return."."I'll let David know, are you calling Veronica?"."Yes they should have landed by now."."Harry, tell David to look for Veronica at the terminal.Best they stay together.".Harry spoke with David and Albert and explained what he knew about the closure, which was very little.Harry contacted Rosa at IMEC and questioned if the conference was carrying on.She confirmed that it had not been convened on Friday due to security alerts.She further advised that it appeared to be a security breach relating to foreign agents entering Naples.A news release was received on Thursday by federal security agents that someone with diplomatic connections from China, wanted for questioning, had been seen travelling about in Naples.Harry did not feel comfortable listening to this information and interrupted Rosa making an inept excuse as to why he must take is leave and left his phone number for her to call when she had more information as to when the conference would reconvene.Their plane departed at 11.50 pm enroute to Bari with a return flight plan to land at Terminal 2."Harry I don't believe that Naples is the best place for Kim right now.Would you be terribly upset if I made arrangements for Kim and Shai to go directly to Capri from Bari.There is a helicopter service that can take them directly to Capri.Veronica confirmed they are travelling under passports issued in Thailand under Shai's family name."."I believe Chanarong, under these circumstances, you have no alternative.".Walking the tarmac at Naples airport, together with multiples of security agents was Kayn, looking for his needle in this unfamiliar haystack.Albert, Robert, Veronica, Kim and Shai were all waiting together outside the terminal when Harry and Chanarong landed.Chanarong talked with Kim and Shai explaining the security risk returning to Naples and that he had made arrangements for them to travel immediately from Bari to Capri.Kim confirmed with Chanarong that Shai had rented a villa in the remote Conca Bay.He tried to humor Chanarong by adding that to get to the house, which was located on the side of the Mountain, you had to climb over 200 steps.Running those steps each day would once again get him back into shape after the soft sands of Kalim Beach."Kim have you spoken with your father?"."Yes, last week, before they were moved.I don't know where they are right now."."For yours and their safety, that is good.".Kim and Shai bid farewell to all and waited in the van for Chanarong who would be taking them to the hanger, for their flight to Capri.The traffic at the Bari terminal was inundated receiving International flights, including the carrier transporting Martin Graham.Martin contacted Kayn when he received confirmation that his flight was redirected to Bari from Naples.Kayn seemed almost inflexible in his explanation to Martin as to why the Naples airport was under lock-down.From what Martin was able to grasp, in combination to Kayn's perhaps misleading innuendoes on various sightings of Kim Chan So in and around Naples, was the actual arrivals of AOC agents trying to clear customs without appropriate papers.After clearing customs Martin made arrangements to lease a vehicle to take him back to Naples.He walked out of the terminal stopping at the curb looking upwards to locate the parking garage, taking no notice of the van double parked to his right.In the back seat were Kim and Shai who certainly recognized Martin Graham and moved back into their seat so that their faces remained in the shadows.As though on call Chanarong and Veronica came out from the departure terminal and walked towards Martin."Mr.Graham, so good to see you.Are you here for the economic conference?"."Mr.Montri, Miss Bartola nice to see you again.Yes I am returning to the conference; and you Mr.Montri?"."As a matter of fact Mr.Graham, with San Carlo housing the conference, Veronica is scheduled to perform at the Augusteo theatre this coming week; and I am here both for personal and business matters, which I expect will involve some time at the conference.It was good to speak with you again Mr.Graham, but you will have to excuse us, we are anxious to make our way to Naples."."I would be happy give you both a lift, I have just made arrangements for a vehicle."."How kind of you, but we have a ride waiting for us."."Very well, I am sure we will see you throughout the week."."Good Evening Mr.Graham.".Martin turned and walked towards the parking garage in pursuit of his vehicle.Chanarong and Veronica walked away from the van and waiting at the main doors, appearing to be waiting for their ride.Harry who had been watching from inside the terminal was not sure as to who the man was that had spoken with Chanarong and Veronica, but from Veronica's discrete jesters he knew they had not met an old friend.He walked out and moved directly to the van, not acknowledging Chanarong or Veronica.Once in the driver's seat he turned on the ignition, put it in drive and moved into the lane towards the exit with Kim and Shai staying in the shadows of the back seat.Watching from the shadows of the garage was Martin Graham keeping his focus on Chanarong and Veronica, not recognizing the 3rd tip of the triangle now driving away.Harry drove the van to the adjacent hanger where the helicopter pilot was waiting.Kim and Harry moved their luggage into the cargo hold, exchanged good-byes.Looking under the visor Harry found the registration for the van confirming it was registered to the Bari Airport.Seeing no risk returning to the main terminal to pick up Chanarong and Veronica, Harry moved towards the terminal.He drove along the arrivals road until he saw Chanarong; Veronica was no long with him.He slowed down and got Chanarong's attention, who moved towards the van."I don't think it wise to get into the van right now Harry; we have not seen Mr.Martin leave the garage and I am sure we will be followed.Veronica has gone inside to stay with Albert and Harry.I spoke with the doorkeeper and he has arranged for a private car to pick us up on the departure level.You can leave the van in the loading zone straight ahead and go in those doors.Tell the others of the arrangements and I will be there in a few minutes.".Harry moved ahead to the loading zone.Martin Graham appeared."Mr.Montri, may I be of help."."Not at all Mr.Graham, we are waiting for our luggage to arrive and are dealing with the lost and found right now.I just now sent our van away, not wanting to detain the airport services."."Of course, I understand that problem."."I thought you would have been long gone by now."."Just organizing the paperwork in the vehicle, would not look right for a man in my position to be travelling without the proper paper work."."Well good luck to you Mr.Graham, I must go in and see if they have located our luggage.".As Chanarong passed through the doors Martin Graham's reflection stood stationary in the frame.Chanarong passed through the lost and found holding area, showing great interest to the array of misplaced luggage.He had a brief conversation with the claims clerk, asking how his family was and asked if it was possible that he may look through the luggage that remained in the back room.Once in the secured area Chanarong saw the connecting door to the Gates adjoining the hangers and extended his quickest appreciation to the clerk and exited.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Checkmate - Chapter XII
Martin Graham scrutinized the case history files for Albert Morton, forwarded by the Federal Corrections Department.Finding no evidence that would allow a Judge to sign an order detaining him in the country.The file also provided the trial details of Morton's conviction; still, giving him no leads as to why Kayn was displaying such irrational behavior on this man.He sent Kayn another confirmation that there were no circumstances that would allow his office to apply for a restraining order.His desktop curser was flashing with a high priority communication from NATO going to all Federal Security Agencies reporting that Chanarong Montri and Kim Chan So were believed to be in Naples, Italy.It further reported that security informants confirmed that AOC agents were enroute to Naples.As Martin scanned the communication logs and it became obvious, over and above the security agents already in Naples for the Economic Conference, there was about to be an aerial tsunami of international enormity descending onto the tarmac at the Aeroporto di Napoli.He picked up his travelling bag and left for the departure gate at the International Airport, enroute to Naples.Travelling 37,000 feet over the north Atlantic ocean Albert was busy reviewing the Italian chronicles as Robert rested in the adjacent seat.He had spoken with Harry earlier in the day and learnt about the confrontation that had taken place with Kayn; he had not yet relayed this information to Robert.Alyssa would be so full of pride knowing the genuine man Robert was developing into.Albert closed his diary after documenting and planning his tours of southern Italy on this trip; perhaps in his exuberance he had indeed overextended his destinations.He slipped it into his attach and removed a small bundle of letters that he kept close to him; letters from past colleagues at the University, all encouraging his return to the classroom; letters from Gordon at Fraser Lake, as always supporting him in his new ventures and old letters from Alyssa, received while at Fraser Lake.He read line by line and finally, comforted by kind thoughts and words, sleep came to him.He woke feeling the heat of the sun streaming through the windows of the cabin.David had risen earlier and was working from the turn down table at his chair."Good Morning David, did you sleep well?"."Had a good sleep Albert.We are about an hour from landing so I asked the stewards to serve you breakfast as soon as you woke."Will Harry be meeting us at the airport?"."Yes, I had a message from him this morning.".David turned on the in-cabin closed circuit TV to see if they could see any news, when a message from the Captain interrupted the program -."We have just received notice that the Naples Airport has been closed due to security breaches; we have been redirected to Bari airport, which is on the east coast of Italy along the Mediterranean Sea.".David immediately sent a message to Harry confirming the change of plans.The Captain returned and announced that the flight should be landing in Bari in approximately 90 minutes.David followed up with Harry, who had returned his message and confirmed that he would take the plane to Bari to meet their flight.He could not confirm his departure time because of the delays being encountered on the tarmac at Naples, but would advise within the next hour.Chanarong had been waiting for Harry on the plane and had receive the same message from Veronica, that their flight originating from Bangkok had indeed been turned away from landing in Naples and was enroute to Bari.Looking over at the main terminal multiple emergency service vehicles, as well as international flights were stacked along the runway with passengers mingling on the tarmac."We have received clearance for take off at 11.50 pm as well as our return."."I'll let David know, are you calling Veronica?"."Yes they should have landed by now."."Harry, tell David to look for Veronica at the terminal.Best they stay together.".Harry spoke with David and Albert and explained what he knew about the closure, which was very little.Harry contacted Rosa at IMEC and questioned if the conference was carrying on.She confirmed that it had not been convened on Friday due to security alerts.She further advised that it appeared to be a security breach relating to foreign agents entering Naples.A news release was received on Thursday by federal security agents that someone with diplomatic connections from China, wanted for questioning, had been seen travelling about in Naples.Harry did not feel comfortable listening to this information and interrupted Rosa making an inept excuse as to why he must take is leave and left his phone number for her to call when she had more information as to when the conference would reconvene.Their plane departed at 11.50 pm enroute to Bari with a return flight plan to land at Terminal 2."Harry I don't believe that Naples is the best place for Kim right now.Would you be terribly upset if I made arrangements for Kim and Shai to go directly to Capri from Bari.There is a helicopter service that can take them directly to Capri.Veronica confirmed they are travelling under passports issued in Thailand under Shai's family name."."I believe Chanarong, under these circumstances, you have no alternative.".Walking the tarmac at Naples airport, together with multiples of security agents was Kayn, looking for his needle in this unfamiliar haystack.Albert, Robert, Veronica, Kim and Shai were all waiting together outside the terminal when Harry and Chanarong landed.Chanarong talked with Kim and Shai explaining the security risk returning to Naples and that he had made arrangements for them to travel immediately from Bari to Capri.Kim confirmed with Chanarong that Shai had rented a villa in the remote Conca Bay.He tried to humor Chanarong by adding that to get to the house, which was located on the side of the Mountain, you had to climb over 200 steps.Running those steps each day would once again get him back into shape after the soft sands of Kalim Beach."Kim have you spoken with your father?"."Yes, last week, before they were moved.I don't know where they are right now."."For yours and their safety, that is good.".Kim and Shai bid farewell to all and waited in the van for Chanarong who would be taking them to the hanger, for their flight to Capri.The traffic at the Bari terminal was inundated receiving International flights, including the carrier transporting Martin Graham.Martin contacted Kayn when he received confirmation that his flight was redirected to Bari from Naples.Kayn seemed almost inflexible in his explanation to Martin as to why the Naples airport was under lock-down.From what Martin was able to grasp, in combination to Kayn's perhaps misleading innuendoes on various sightings of Kim Chan So in and around Naples, was the actual arrivals of AOC agents trying to clear customs without appropriate papers.After clearing customs Martin made arrangements to lease a vehicle to take him back to Naples.He walked out of the terminal stopping at the curb looking upwards to locate the parking garage, taking no notice of the van double parked to his right.In the back seat were Kim and Shai who certainly recognized Martin Graham and moved back into their seat so that their faces remained in the shadows.As though on call Chanarong and Veronica came out from the departure terminal and walked towards Martin."Mr.Graham, so good to see you.Are you here for the economic conference?"."Mr.Montri, Miss Bartola nice to see you again.Yes I am returning to the conference; and you Mr.Montri?"."As a matter of fact Mr.Graham, with San Carlo housing the conference, Veronica is scheduled to perform at the Augusteo theatre this coming week; and I am here both for personal and business matters, which I expect will involve some time at the conference.It was good to speak with you again Mr.Graham, but you will have to excuse us, we are anxious to make our way to Naples."."I would be happy give you both a lift, I have just made arrangements for a vehicle."."How kind of you, but we have a ride waiting for us."."Very well, I am sure we will see you throughout the week."."Good Evening Mr.Graham.".Martin turned and walked towards the parking garage in pursuit of his vehicle.Chanarong and Veronica walked away from the van and waiting at the main doors, appearing to be waiting for their ride.Harry who had been watching from inside the terminal was not sure as to who the man was that had spoken with Chanarong and Veronica, but from Veronica's discrete jesters he knew they had not met an old friend.He walked out and moved directly to the van, not acknowledging Chanarong or Veronica.Once in the driver's seat he turned on the ignition, put it in drive and moved into the lane towards the exit with Kim and Shai staying in the shadows of the back seat.Watching from the shadows of the garage was Martin Graham keeping his focus on Chanarong and Veronica, not recognizing the 3rd tip of the triangle now driving away.Harry drove the van to the adjacent hanger where the helicopter pilot was waiting.Kim and Harry moved their luggage into the cargo hold, exchanged good-byes.Looking under the visor Harry found the registration for the van confirming it was registered to the Bari Airport.Seeing no risk returning to the main terminal to pick up Chanarong and Veronica, Harry moved towards the terminal.He drove along the arrivals road until he saw Chanarong; Veronica was no long with him.He slowed down and got Chanarong's attention, who moved towards the van."I don't think it wise to get into the van right now Harry; we have not seen Mr.Martin leave the garage and I am sure we will be followed.Veronica has gone inside to stay with Albert and Harry.I spoke with the doorkeeper and he has arranged for a private car to pick us up on the departure level.You can leave the van in the loading zone straight ahead and go in those doors.Tell the others of the arrangements and I will be there in a few minutes.".Harry moved ahead to the loading zone.Martin Graham appeared."Mr.Montri, may I be of help."."Not at all Mr.Graham, we are waiting for our luggage to arrive and are dealing with the lost and found right now.I just now sent our van away, not wanting to detain the airport services."."Of course, I understand that problem."."I thought you would have been long gone by now."."Just organizing the paperwork in the vehicle, would not look right for a man in my position to be travelling without the proper paper work."."Well good luck to you Mr.Graham, I must go in and see if they have located our luggage.".As Chanarong passed through the doors Martin Graham's reflection stood stationary in the frame.Chanarong passed through the lost and found holding area, showing great interest to the array of misplaced luggage.He had a brief conversation with the claims clerk, asking how his family was and asked if it was possible that he may look through the luggage that remained in the back room.Once in the secured area Chanarong saw the connecting door to the Gates adjoining the hangers and extended his quickest appreciation to the clerk and exited.
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